Health & Well Being

There are many, many groups and societies in the county borough area that cover a wide range of activities including, bowls clubs, the University of the 3rd Age, church groups, lace making, young at heart, luncheon clubs, carers support, 55 clubs, choirs and many more.  The Caerphilly County Borough Councils website has a searchable  Community Guide where you can find many of these groups  and other services and support  available in the community. This can be accessed by click on this here.

Note on Searching the Council Site: Currently, the search facility is limited but will be updated shortly. If you enter “bowls clubs” in Keyword Search; selecting “All Words” will give you a list of all entries with “clubs” while “Phrase” will not find anything. If you search for “bowls club” (without the ‘s‘) having selected “Phrase” you will get a list of the clubs you want.

Community Connectors

Do you know someone;

Who needs advice or information?

Who is isolated from their community or family?

Who doesn’t have a lot of confidence?

Who appears lonely

Caerphilly Council has Community Connectors   working with adults throughout the borough. They will aim to help re-connect people with their communities and can work with people to help them achieve their own goals and empower them to make their own decisions. They can help people remain as independent as possible and if they experience feelings of loneliness, they can link people with other individuals with similar interests in their area, if this is something they would like.

You can email them at:

Or contact them directly on: 01495 233291
Or You can contact them via a Freephone number:  0808 100 2 500

You can view a Welsh version of the flyer here

A Living Will

Details explaining what this is and how to create one are given here:

Keep Well

NHS Direct Wales is a bi-lingual telephone helpline providing 24 hour health advice and information for people throughout Wales.

Contact Details: 0845 4647 Website:

Keeping healthy is really important and many older people don’t realise how dangerous flu, Pneumonia and shingles. Contact your GP to find out about Free vaccinations that will help protect you.

Eating well is also really important. Remember many local shops will deliver to your door if asked  and you can order on line through the big supermarkets but if you are unable to cook or would simply like someone else to take the strain why not get Caerphilly Meals Direct to deliver to your door? They provide hot or frozen meals and anyone can buy direct from Caerphilly County Borough Council Meals on Wheels 01495 235087. You can order your meals Monday to Thursday between 8.30am and 5pm and on a Friday 08:30am to 4pm.

Keeping active, if only through gentle walking, can make a real difference to your health and how you feel. The CCBC leisure website has lots of information on keeping active. There are a number of walking groups across the borough and gentle exercise classes that the community connectors could link you up with.

Keep Secure

Housing problems: Are you worrying about or having problems managing bills, maintaining your house or even worse being threatened with homelessness? The Supporting People team can help.

Call:  01443 864548 or Text: housupport to 81400


Keep Warm

For advice and information on energy efficiency schemes in the borough and tips on how you reduce your energy bills you can contact the CCBC energy advisor on the free phone 0800 085 4145

For more information on being energy efficient, call the Energy Efficiency Advice Centres on 0800 512 012.

An alternative option is to call the Age Cymru free phone helpline 0800 0223444

Keep Safe

To report crime or incidents please dial 101 or in an emergency dial 999

If you own your own home Caerphilly Care and Repair offers advice and practical assistance with repairs, grants and adaptations. Please contact 01495 235393.

Safer Caerphilly  have lots of useful information on their webpages including details of the 10 Caerphilly Community Safety wardens if you would like more information please contact  01443 864374