
The time following bereavement can be difficult and there are often so many things to do and arrange. This section is designed to help you find the information, support and services you might you need. We have also included the Registrar’s office Checklist that might be of help. Remember you are not alone. The services below are there to support and help you through this difficult time. Some services provide a home visiting service. Please do ask if that service is available in your case.

The Caerphilly Council website content page covering all aspects of bereavement can be found here:,-marriages,-deaths/Bereavement-services

Specific items that may be of help to you are given below.


 Registering a death

When someone dies, the death must be registered. The death must be registered in the district in which it occurred. The Caerphilly County Borough registrar’s service opening hours to register a death are STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. To get more information or to make an appointment contact the service on

Tel: 01443 863478  Fax: 01443 863385


Mobile: 07813 094234 (24 hour emergency contact)

The Council website has a comprehensive list of necessary actions you need to take to help you through the process. Caerphilly County Borough Council Registration Services checklist


Bereavement Allowance

A taxable weekly benefit for widows or widowers aged between 45 and state pension age when their husband or wife dies, or when their widowed Parent’s Allowance ends within 52 weeks of their widowhood.


Bereavement Payment

Is a tax free lump sum for widows or widowers who were under the age of 60 for women and 65 for men (State pension age) when their husband or wife died, or whose husband or wife was not entitled to Category A State pension when they died.



Funeral Payments

Help with the cost of funeral expenses when you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.




The Pensions service can give you advice and information on what if any changes may occur as a result of being a widow or widower.

Tel: 0845 60 60 265

Text Phone: 0845 60 60 285

Website:    Your benefits, tax and pension after the death of a spouse




Widowed Parent’s Allowance

A taxable benefit for widows or widowers who are under state pension age and who have at least one qualifying child for who they are entitled, or treated as entitled, to Child Benefit. It is also paid if you are expecting a child by your late husband or as a result of artificial insemination or IVF

Social Services  – How to get Help

There are many services that are there to help you to:

  • To remain in your own home
  • Support you when you are caring for someone else
  • Help you choose from a variety of supported housing options if that is what you want.

Free phone telephone: 0808 100 2500


Cinnamon Trust – The National Charity for the Elderly and their Pets

The Cinnamon trust was founded for elderly people and their pets, but its services are also offered to terminally ill pet owners. Anyone of any age can make arrangements for pets that may outlive them to come into the trust’s care. Many older people whose pet has sadly died contact us, bereft and very lonely. It is often possible to place with them a bereaved pet and somehow there is always an immediate understanding between the two.

Tel: 01736 757900  Fax: 01736 757010





Many people feel lonely and disconnected from their community following bereavement. Some of those people find helping others is a reason to get out of the house and feel useful again. For a variety of volunteering opportunities look at the GAVO website