Current Projects

POVA Awareness
We already have 3 members who are working with the protection for vulnerable adults team in CCBC to run some peer to peer POVA awareness sessions for local 50+ groups.
National Campaigns
We have responded to a number of important consultations and National Campaigns.
RVS Community Voice
We have just begun working with the RVS Community Voice project “ Care to Listen… Listen to Care” to do some peer-to-peer work to give residents in residential homes a voice about how their services are delivered and to help keep them engaged with their local communities and personal interests. Read the first update from the program manager here.
Caerphilly Council
Caerphilly Council recognise our right to represent the issues that affect the elderly residents of the Borough. For example, on request we are able to attend and make representations at each of the Councils Scrutiny meetings, we have a place on the borough’s Community planning group standing conference.