Aims and Objectives
In September 2017, the Forum agreed on a Business Plan that had as its central aim the creation of age-friendly communities in Caerphilly County. We set the fundamental principles underpinning this approach in 8 domains that encapsulate the forum’s objectives, covering:
- Outdoor space and public buildings
Removing barriers that limit opportunities for people with disabilities or age-related impairments improves accessibility.
- Transport
The condition and design of transport-related infrastructure, such as signage, traffic lights and pavements, affects personal mobility.
- Housing
The availability of appropriate, affordable housing with a choice of styles, tenures and locations that incorporate flexibility through adaptive features is essential for age-friendly communities.
- Social Participation
An age-friendly community enables older adults to interact with others and to take part in social activities.
- Dignity, Respect and social inclusion
Age-friendly communities foster positive attitudes toward and images of ageing and intergenerational understanding to challenge negative attitudes.
- Civic participation and employment
Civic engagement includes the desire of older adults to be involved in aspects of community life that extend beyond their day-to-day activities. The ability to remain employed or find alternative employment provides economic security.
- Communication and information
Staying connected with friends, families, events, news and local activities is key to ageing well
- Community support and health services
Accessible and affordable health and social care services are crucial to keep older people healthy, independent and active.