Finance & Benefits

There is a more recent page called “Money Matters” that has a comprehensive list of websites that you might find helpful. We have selected these from many sources because we believe they are the most comprehensive and easy to understand. Money Matters was last checked in February 2023.

This section aims to provide links to sites that can help maximise your income and gives details of organisations that can help you.

For details on benefits not listed and other advice please go direct to where you will find most of the information you need.

Age Cymru Gwent – Service Provision within Caerphilly Borough

Age Cymru Gwent – Hospital Discharge Service

The service provides support for service users 50 + who have been discharged from hospital. It is a six week service, operating 7 days a week and the following can be provided; shopping, pension collection, referring on to other Agencies, etc. All benefits entitlements will be checked if the service user wishes including; Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Pension Credit, Housing Benefits etc. Help will be given by the Support Workers to apply for the relevant benefits where applicable.
We do not carry out personal care.
Telephone: 01495 227039 (9-5 and answer machine)
Fax: 01495 227039
E mail:

Age Cymru Gwent – Welfare and Benefits Service

The service provides support to people 50+ and offers a comprehensive benefit check within the service user’s home. The service aims to support older people to claim all benefits they are rightfully entitled to. The support staff can assist with completion of claim forms for various benefits including: Housing and Council Tax forms, Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit, etc.
For further information please contact 01495 244228

Age Cymru Gwent – Independent Advocacy Appeals Service

The service provides support for people aged 50+ who require advocacy support with reconsideration or appeal relating to entitlement of their welfare benefits.
For further information please contact 01495 231052 Tel 01495 231052

Attendance Allowance (AA)

Currently this is NOT means tested. A tax free benefit for people aged 65 or over with an illness or disability, who need help with personal care. To arrange a visit for help to complete the form contact The Pension Service

Telephone: 0845 60 60 265


You can access a range of benefit topics HERE.

Bereavement Benefits

See “Bereavement” Section

CHAD (Centre for Help & Advice for the Disabled)

CHAD offers a FREE confidential One-2-One client consultation service. We are able to help clients fill in benefit application forms, and liaise with other agencies on the client’s behalf. CHAD also runs a DLA clinic once a month with representatives from the DWP.

For information contact : 01443 822262

E mail:

Care and Repair

Care and Repair Caerphilly is an independent home improvement agency for people over 60, or disabled, living in the Caerphilly Borough who own their own home or rent from a private landlord (not council). We provide FREE impartial advice on various housing issues including grant availability. Our case worker will visit you at home and can also advise on claiming benefits such as Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit and will complete any application forms for you if you wish.

Telephone: 01495 235393

Carers Allowance (CA)

For people aged 16 or over who are spending at least 35 hours a week looking after someone who is getting a qualifying benefit.

Child Benefit

Paid to the person responsible for a child regardless of income.

Telephone: 0300 200 3100

Child Tax Credit

A payment to support families with children and can be claimed by those responsible for at least 1 child or young person.

Telephone: 0345 300 3900

Citizens Advice

You can view the Caerphilly Citizens Advice website at this address:

(Note: The website is currently not secured)

Or Tel: 01443 835363, ext 215

You can also go to the parent organisation website (which is secured)

Council tax reduction scheme

Replaced Council Tax Benefit (CTB) in April 2013. For people on a low income who need help to pay council tax.

Telephone: 01443 815588 – ask for the benefits section

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

A tax free benefit for adults up to 64 years of age, with a disability or illness, who need help with getting around or help with personal care or both.

Exemption from Vehicle Excise Duty (Car Tax)

You may be entitled to apply for exemption from paying your car tax if, for example, you receive the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance. Check out the website or telephone the DVLA for advice.

Telephone: 0870 240 0010

Financial Conduct Authority

Replaces the Financial Services Authority

Clear independent and impartial advice on a variety of financial issues including




Loans and Credit



Funeral Payments

See “Bereavement” section

Home Energy Efficiency Scheme (HEES)

The Welsh Assembly Government funds the HEES scheme. It provides grants of up to £3,600 for eligible householders in Wales. The scheme offers improvements designed to make homes in Wales warmer and more energy efficient.

Housing Benefit (HB)

For people on a low income who need help with rent.

Telephone: 01443 815588

Income Support (IS)

For people up to the age of 60 with income below a certain threshold, including lone parents and people who have to stay at home to look after relatives etc.

Pension Credit (PC)

An income related benefit for people 60 or over. Pension Credit can reward people 65 or over who have saved for their retirement. An online calculator can be found on The Pension Service website.

Telephone number: 0845 60 60 265

Smoke DetectorsSmoke Alarm

The Fire Service no longer canvass for Home Fire Safety Checks. They use a targeted approach.    You can see the current message they use on the attached poster.

Smoke Alarm Test

For further information you can contact their Home Safety Team.

Telephone: 0800 169 1234

State Pension (SP)

For people who have reached state pension age, State Pension can be deferred and when finally claimed can mean extra weekly pension or a taxable lump sum. Choices on reaching State Pension Age are

Retire and claim your SP

Claim your SP and continue working

Put off claiming your SP for a while to earn extra SP when you do claim, whether you are still working or not

Telephone: 0845 60 60 265

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

Employed people who are sick for 4 or more days in a row may qualify for SSP from their employers for a maximum of 28 weeks in 1 spell of sickness.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit was introduced in the Caerphilly county borough on 5 September 2018.

You will need to claim Universal Credit if you are on a low income or out of work. It replaces:

  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income based)
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit

Details can be found on the Council Website

Other resources that you might find helpful are:

Citizens Advice

The Money Saving Expert


Working Tax Credit

Help for working people with or without children, single or couples, employed or self employed.